Ultimate Shops Design

Ultimate Shops Design
Издательство: te Neues, 2010 г.
  • Ответственный редактор: Поздяков Иннокентий Ефимович
  • Верстка: Каварнали Леонтий Иосифович
  • Корректор: Тржаскал Леон Игнатьевич
  • Количество страниц: 589
  • Формат: pdf, txt, fb2

Аннотация "Ultimate Shops Design"
Today, the parameters of shop design have expanded exponentially. No longer is the retail landscape crafted only for shopping convenience and to reinforce brand identity. It has evolved to reflect the role of shops as a public space where we spend a large part of our leisure time. For this reason, architects and designers are increasingly pushing the boundaries when designing shop interiors. The result: the creation of unique and spectacular spaces within the city; spaces which engage and entertain even the most jaded browsers and add to the city's dynamism. Бесплатная электронная книга Ultimate Shops Design.

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